Sunday, 5 January 2014

Production Log- Week 13/14

During the Christmas Holidays me and my partner aimed to film our footage over the two weeks. In the first day we filmed all the indoor shots which we did not we would do, so we were pleased we achieved a lot in a short space of time. The next week we shot all the outside shots which is a high number of shots. However after I analysed the shots thoroughly there was one shot that did not flow so we aimed to try re shoot the shot so it works. However as the shot was outside we needed the weather conditions to be as similar as when we filmed previously. Unfortunately we have not found a day yet.

Even though we completed the shooting script thoroughly due to the size of Amneet's room and the space we had available some of the shot types had to change. We were against it at first but me and my partner are satisfied with the outcome because we are portraying our character the way we wanted. The image below is the location of our indoor footage. It is a flat.

.This image below is the location of our outside shots. On a bad day this area looks grim and gritty however on the shot in Google maps, the area looks nice because it is sunny. This has made us choose to shoot out film on a dull day rather than sunny.

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