Sunday, 27 October 2013

Production Log- Week 4

In this week I learnt about the title devices. This is used in the opening credits and includes roles such as the director, producer and editor. I have learnt what types of roles there are in the production of the film and we learnt what each role actually do. The roles are clear in my analysis on the opening credits of Pacific Rim.

This will impact my work a lot. As I now know the roles of the production team, I know what types of roles are needed in a British social realism film. For example a BSR film would not have a special effects supervisor or animation supervisor as this won't be needed or used in the film as it takes away the realism and believability of the film.

I may use a number of maybe 10 or 15 different titles to put in my opening scene. I don't want to put a lot of different titles because it will divert the attention of the actions in the shot, and I don't want a little number because it won't give off the professional film essence I aim on doing. I will include roles such as the director, producer, editor, casting and music by.

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